Ehehe..macam hampeh!
Well, new skins. Cube nak get a new look. Resfresh la kot. :D
Skin yg lama cantik, tapi agak gelap. Lalu membuatkan browser agak lembab nak upload. Yg ni kasi fresh sikit. Light colour. Dark bagi je kat Batman ;)
( i still love The Dark Knight! )
Tadi baru lepas tengok "10 things i hate about you ". Yea, memang
Heath Ledger sangat sesuai dengan watak The Joker. And another thing, script dia pon power. Pandai la dia bawak kan!
Cameron: She never wanted me. She wanted Joey the whole time.
Patrick: Cameron, do you like the girl?
Cameron: Yeah.
Patrick: Yeah, and is she worth all this trouble?
Cameron: Well, I thought she was, but you know, I...
Patrick: Well, she is or she isn't. See first of all, Joey is not half the man you are. Secondly, don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want. Go for it!
(Ni ayat sebelum jadi The Joker. Macam joker kan?-me)
Gotham National Bank Manager: The criminals in this town used to believe in things. Honor. Respect. Look at you! What do you believe in? What do you believe in!
The Joker: I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you... stranger.
(Bukan bank manager tu baru lari dari souna jail ke? oh, tu prison break ek?)
The Joker: You just couldn't let me go could you? This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. You truly are incorruptible aren't you? You won't kill me out of some misplaced sense of self-righteousness, and I won't kill you, because you're just too much fun. I think you and I are destined to do this forever.
Batman: You'll be in a padded cell forever.
The Joker: Maybe we can share one. They'll be doubling up, the rate this city's inhabitants are losing their minds.
Batman: Where is Dent?
The Joker: You have all these rules and you think they'll save you.
Lt. James Gordon: [
Batman slams the Joker against a wall] He's in control.
Batman: I have one rule.
The Joker: Then that's the rule you'll have to break to know the truth.
Batman: Which is?
The Joker: The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules. And tonight you're gonna break your one rule.
Batman: I'm considering it.
The Joker: No, there's only minutes left, so you're gonna have to play my little game if you want to save one of them.
CuT! - pengarah filem.
My wife agak demam hari ni. Dah masuk hari ke-2. Tapi alhamdulillah dah nampak semakin sihat. Semoga cepat sembuh dan sihat, amin!
Bulan-bulan puasa ni agak malas nak keluar rumah pegi pekan atau berjalan-jalan di siang hari. Summer pun belum habis lagi. Jadi duduk dirumah menjaga isteri adalah option yg paling selsesa. Disamping tu boleh tolong menolong membuat kerja rumah. And, boleh buat terjemahan 2/3 buku. Alhamdulillah.
Now masa yg semua student tasfiah penin menunggu. Result utk imtihan tasfiah baru ni, taktau la bila nak keluar. Nampak gayanya macam lepas raya. Harap-harap la pas semua. Amin!
Ok, that all. Nak makan sahur pulak. Sebelum tu, jom baca cerita...
"Lawak pagi-pagi"
Boss berkata kepada Secretary : Kita akan outstation selama seminggu, jadi
aturkan segalanya.
Secretary menelefon Suaminya : Untuk seminggu boss saya dan saya akan
outstation, awak pandai2 jaga diri nanti...
Suami menelefon Buah Hatinya : Isteri saya akan outstation selama seminggu,
jadi mari kita habiskan masa bersama-sama. ...
Buah Hati menelefon Murid tuisyennya : Saya kene bekerja selama seminggu,
jadi awak tak perlu datang untuk tuisyen...
Murid tuisyen tersebut menelefon Atuknya : Atuk, untuk seminggu saya takde
kelas sebab cikgu saya sibuk. Mari kita habiskan masa bersama...
Atuk (the 1st boss) menelefon Secretary : Minggu ni saya nak abiskan masa
bersama cucu saya.. Batalkan outstation tuh...
Secretary menelefon Suaminya : Minggu ni boss saya ade kerja, kami dah
membatalkan outstation tu...
Suami menelefon Buah Hatinya : Kita tak dapat nak habiskan masa bersama
untuk minggu ni, isteri saya dah membatalkan outstationnya. .
Buah Hati menelefon Murid Tuisyennya : Minggu ni kelas tuisyen mcm biase.
Murid Tuisyen menelefon Atuknya : Atuk, cikgu saya cakap minggu ni saya kene
pergi kelas tuisyen. Sori, saya tak bleh temankan atuk.
Atuk menelefon Secretary : Jangan risau, minggu ni kita outstation. Jadi
uruskan semuanya..
Huh!... . .penat aku nak tulih lagi nie....:D