11 December 2005

To The One I Love

To The One I Love
I'm so scared that you will seeAll the weakness inside of meI'm so scared of letting goThat the pain I've hid will showI know you want to hear me speakBut I'm afraid that if I start toI'll never stopI want you to knowYou belong in my lifeI love the hope I see in your eyesFor you I would flyAt least I would tryFor you I'll takeThe last flight outI'm afraid thatYou will leaveAs my secretsHave been revealedIn my dreamsYou'll always stayEvery breathing moment from nowI know you want to hear me speakBut I'm afraid that if I start toI'll never stopI cannot hold backThe truth no moreI let you wait too longAlthough it's hard and scares me soA life without you scares me more...

14 October 2005

10 September 2005

Wake Me Up When September End...(GreenDay)

.: yehmaster :.wanna sleep,,,

.: yehmaster :.

nak pegi mesir 23 september..ade xzam 24 september 2005..kalau tak pas kena reject atau masuk balik kelas 1...duit takde...xzam dekat..6 juz..12 subject...esok kena balik perlis..putrajaya jauh..huhuhu..help me!!

25 February 2005

balik ke balik?

lalalala~ balik la balik~~ lalala~~

hehe..saje je kacau blog..

yours truly [ye ke? :P]


19 February 2005

Nak Balik!!!

"tu la..kan dah susah"....hayya....memang susah la bile tak dapat balik..rindu gile kat putra...ehehe....duduk sini dalam 4/5 bulan ni boring gile...dah la winter...nak kuar pun susah..nak kena jaga budak2 lagi...sekolah pon takbest...hayya....susah2...doa2 la kasi tak dapat visa..boleh balik belajar kat mesia..ehehe....nanti cuti2 dtg uk jab...best gak ek...ehehe...

plan baru nih..kalau tak dapat balik...boleh jalan2 ngan sshy ngan zam ke disnyland di paris...ok jugak kot..99 pound je..3 hari 2 malam..ok pe..ehehe...dulu jalan2 pakistan je..ni europe plak,...best2...cume..kalau ade si ***** tu lagi2 la best kan?..kan kankan?..ehehe...

lepas ni masuk class la pulak..tak best betul la...dengan keling plak tu...boring2..dah la shadid gile..ehehe..takpe2..lepas ni kalau ade member..boleh join jameah taalimul quran...best la sikit..

ok la...nanti msg lain...c-ya!!

13 February 2005

Awal Muharram

Selamat BertemuKembali Awal Muharam...

27 January 2005



25 January 2005


ade org tu kan..dia kan..dia ade BF baru....best la dia....abis kite dilupenye...eheheh......nama BF dia Acer.....best gile katenye....boleh lipat2 lagi..ehehe...sape la kite kan......:p.....